Farshineh Arasteh

Farshineh Arasteh

Farshineh Arasteh is a manufacturer of several completely hand-woven carpet crouchets, sofa shawls, bedspreads, tablecloths, plate mats and etc.

Persian Handicrafts 4653 - Artwork from Farshineh Arasteh

This artwork is in the categories of Persian Handicrafts and Creative Handicrafts, and it has been introduced and provided by Farshineh Arasteh. Farshineh Arasteh is a manufacturer of several completely hand-woven carpet crouchets, sofa shawls, bedspreads, tablecloths, plate mats and etc.

Post on Instagram by: Farshineh Arasteh
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/farshineh.arasteh
Post on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/CXEKuSfA_8s/
Post on IVisitIran: https://www.ivisitiran.com/en/post/view/persian_handicrafts/4653
Posts of Farshineh Arasteh: https://www.ivisitiran.com/en/post/posts_of_brand/persian_handicrafts/workshop/2845

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