Persian Rug 3606 - Afshar Persian Rug from Steelman Rugs

This Persian rug is in the categories of Persian Rug (Persian Carpet) and Afshar Persian Rug (Afshar Persian Carpet), and it has been introduced and provided by Steelman Rugs. Can't get enough of the tribal rugs of the Afshar, Khamseh, and Qashqai weavers. They have a natural warmth and pastoral authenticity that compliments any style decor. This Afshar has glowing natural colors and sparkling hand spun wool in a hard to find size of 5'7"x8'0".

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Persian Rug, Afshar Persian Rug, Persian Carpet, Persian Handmade Rug, Persian Handmade Carpet, Iranian Rug, Iranian Carpet, Iranian Handmade Rug, Iranian Handmade Carpet

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