Persian Rug 3659 - Kurdish Persian Rug from Claremont Rug Company

This Persian rug is in the categories of Persian Rug (Persian Carpet), Kurdish Persian Rug (Kurdish Persian Carpet) and Antique Persian Rug (Antique Persian Carpet), and it has been introduced and provided by Claremont Rug Company. KURDISH CAMELHAIR⁠ NORTHWEST PERSIAN⁠ 4' 7" x 6' 5" (140cm x 196cm) — Circa 1900⁠ (High-Decorative)⁠ ⁠ Kurdish weavers were renowned for a startlingly wide range of patterns, and this unique camelhair rug follows that highly successful paradigm. The field is festooned with a cheerful array of festive polychrome garlands and vibrantly toned mini-medallions, hanging in front of warm chestnut hues that shift to sand as the eye scrolls upward.⁠ ⁠ Follow the link in our bio to see what other singular High-Decorative collectible rugs are in store. Our 20% courtesy on all High-Decorative and Decorative rugs is still ongoing!⁠

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Persian Rug, Kurdish Persian Rug, Antique Persian Rug, Persian Carpet, Persian Handmade Rug, Persian Handmade Carpet, Iranian Rug, Iranian Carpet, Iranian Handmade Rug, Iranian Handmade Carpet

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