Persian Rug 5573 - Kerman Persian Rug from Persian Carpet Collection

This Persian rug is in the categories of Persian Rug (Persian Carpet), Kerman Persian Rug (Kerman Persian Carpet) and Antique Persian Rug (Antique Persian Carpet), and it has been introduced and provided by Persian Carpet Collection. 145 years old- Antique Ravar Kerman [LAVER KIRMAN] Persian Carpet! This elegant room-size carpet exemplifies the subtle coloration and delicacy of line for which 19th century Persian Laver Kirmans are relished. The tremendous fluidity of its chiseled design and continual nuances of its naturally dyed hues combine to create great visual delight. An expansive double medallion of the deepest midnight blue extends into oversize palmette pendants while floating atop a parchment reserve among a sea of blossoms. Price upon request! 8' 4" x 12' 7" 254cm x 384cm Circa 1875 (High-Decorative) The soothing color palette consisting of merlot and soft rose tones is seamlessly juxtaposed with carefully placed veins of burnished gold and brass, as well as punctuations of persimmon throughout. Its layer upon layer of detail work is deeply restful, with a sophisticated suite of intricately detailed borders eloquently framing the entire composition.

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Persian Rug, Kerman Persian Rug, Antique Persian Rug, Persian Carpet, Persian Handmade Rug, Persian Handmade Carpet, Iranian Rug, Iranian Carpet, Iranian Handmade Rug, Iranian Handmade Carpet

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