Persian Rug 5772 - Heriz Persian Rug from Steelman Rugs

This Persian rug is in the categories of Persian Rug (Persian Carpet) and Heriz Persian Rug (Heriz Persian Carpet), and it has been introduced and provided by Steelman Rugs. Loving the color palette of this top quality vintage Serapi design rug. In addition to the delicious soft shimmery tones, it has a rare squarish size of 9’2”x10’3”. We will have it uploaded to our website later today. This one will go quickly.

heriz persian rug provided by steelman rugs
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Persian Rug, Heriz Persian Rug, Persian Carpet, Persian Handmade Rug, Persian Handmade Carpet, Iranian Rug, Iranian Carpet, Iranian Handmade Rug, Iranian Handmade Carpet

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