Persian Rug 6527 - Tehran Persian Rug from Hadi Maktabi Gallery
This Persian rug is in the categories of Persian Rug (Persian Carpet), Tehran Persian Rug (Tehran Persian Carpet) and Antique Persian Rug (Antique Persian Carpet), and it has been introduced and provided by Hadi Maktabi Gallery.
Royal Qajar Tehran Orange Crush
Have you ever had an orange dream?
A Qajar prince apparently did, 150 years ago, and commissioned this unbelievable masterpiece. The color is called narenji after the bitter orange, the ancient predecessor of the sweet orange fruit. As much as that works well with dark chocolate, this carpet matches earth tone (and especially dark brown leather or wood) furniture marvellously.
The tonality and colors are unique but also breathtaking. The size is uncommon and recalls what the Italians call su misura or made to measure. The certainty is that this Tehran carpet was conceived, designed and created for a specific chamber in a palace.
Aesthetically, the Paradise Park theme is utterly magnificent and rich in beautiful detail. The forest seems magical with its expansive trees and singing birds. This exclusively rare antique is a career highlight I’m proud to share with you.
344 x 200
Circa 1870
All perfect
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Persian Rug, Tehran Persian Rug, Antique Persian Rug, Persian Carpet, Persian Handmade Rug, Persian Handmade Carpet, Iranian Rug, Iranian Carpet, Iranian Handmade Rug, Iranian Handmade Carpet
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Persian Rug, Tehran Persian Rug, Antique Persian Rug, Persian Carpet, Persian Handmade Rug, Persian Handmade Carpet, Iranian Rug, Iranian Carpet, Iranian Handmade Rug, Iranian Handmade Carpet
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