About Negel Mosque

Negel Mosque is located in village of the same name, 60 kilometers from Sanandaj, on Marivan Road. The popularity of this mosque is due to the Negel Quran being kept there. Negel Quran is a big one in Kufid calligraphy on thick paper written in brown that is known as buckskin due to being similar to hide. The appellation of this Quran is due to the way of its emergence. About the emergence of Negel Quran, it is said that in the past, suddenly a very beautiful flower attracts a shepherd with grazing sheep and when he picks the flower, a hole is created and a box appears inside of which there has been this holy Quran. Since this Quran has been discovered due to the attention of a shepherd to a flower, this place was called Nowgol and people constructed a mosque in this region that gradually was known as Negel Mosque.




Sanandaj is the capital Kurdistan Province at Iran. The economy of Sanandaj is based upon the production of carpets, processed hides and skins, milled rice, refined sugar, woodworking, cotton weaving, metalware and cutlery.
See Sanandaj